The Foundations of
Our Commitment
Our corporate principles define our needs, guide our commitment, and underscore policies that encompass corporate management, the promotion of a proactive culture of quality and product safety, labor and environmental protection. These principles are based on internal rules, laws and international conventions, voluntary standards, an ethical code, and shared values and behaviors.
In our Company, everyone is required to comply with the laws and regulations applicable to carrying out our statutory activities, including the design, production, and provision of goods and services.
Food Safety and Product Quality
All our personnel are required to respect and ensure compliance with legal requirements, voluntary standards, and those required by the Company and our clients for product safety and quality, including GMO, organic, kosher, halal, Rainforest Alliance, FairTrade, and other specific dietary requirements, where applicable.
Social and Ethical Policies
All personnel have the right to obtain and are required to respect:
- conditions, conduct, economic compensation, and working hours in accordance with contractual agreements and applicable local laws and regulations regarding workers’ health and safety, including hiring practices free from coercion or debt bondage;
- recognized freedom of union association, religious belief, political opinion, and sexual orientation.
- the prohibition of child labor, meaning the employment of individuals below the legal working age.
- the prohibition of forced and coercive labor, corporal punishment, or other forms of physical or sexual harassment.
- the prohibition of discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, and any other condition or characteristic protected by law.
- the human rights recognized in our legal system, ensuring that no one is complicit in human rights abuses.
- ethical conduct, opposing corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery, with adequate guarantees against retaliation for those who report unethical or corrupt behaviors.
La politica
Principles and Corporate Policy
We recognize that business success depends on the ability to consistently deliver products and services that meet or exceed the expectations of customers and stakeholders. To this end, management, with the support of all staff, is committed and responsible for consolidating corporate stability and reputation, and for enhancing trust in them through adherence to the solid principles and policies stated herein.
Code of Ethics
We base all actions, operations, relationships, and transactions carried out in the management of various social, productive, and commercial activities on the ethical principles and behavioral rules of our Code of Ethics. The Code of Ethics is binding on all those who hold representative, administrative, or managerial roles within the Company, all employees, all collaborators, and anyone who, in various capacities, engages in business relationships with the Company.
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